September 5, 2018

Manage work-life balance with technology

At TWIB, we understand the challenges that professionals face in maintaining a healthy work-life balance in today’s digital age. The ever-increasing role of technology in our lives has both positive and negative implications for achieving optimal equilibrium. In this article, we delve into the ways in which technology can be leveraged to create a positive […]

Last updated on : September 4, 2023
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July 24, 2018

Use of technology that bring revenue to business

In the modern business landscape, technology has emerged as a powerful catalyst for revenue growth and operational enhancement. While many associate technology with devices and hardware, its influence extends far beyond physical components. This article explores six cutting-edge technologies that companies are leveraging to drive revenue and gain a competitive edge. The Power of Custom […]

Last updated on : May 3, 2024
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July 3, 2018

37 most used tools for marketing and sales

The systems and materials utilized by the individuals who are associated with the advancement of products. Most business that need to pitch their products or administrations to general society will make broad utilization of different promoting apparatuses, for example, statistical surveying and publicizing to help advance their prosperity. The administration procedure through which products and […]

Last updated on : August 5, 2024
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March 9, 2018

GPS, its facts and features

GPS remains for Global Positioning System by which anybody can simply acquire the position data anyplace on the planet. The signal of time is sent from a GPS satellite at a given point. Subsequently, the time difference between GPS time and the point of time clock which GPS receiver receives the time signal will be […]

Last updated on : March 7, 2024
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