
Category: Business


  • How Field Staff Tracking Software Helps Boost Business Productivity in India

    May 5, 2023 https://twib.online/storage/2023/05/1b88701e-57e5-4e8c-9345-201a94cee1ef-800x300.jpg

    Evolution of Field Staff Tracking Software in India In today’s highly competitive business landscape, companies need to ensure that their operations run efficiently to remain ahead of the competition. One area where businesses can improve efficiency is in their field operations. This is where field staff tracking software comes into play. Field staff tracking software […]

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  • How sales apps can help boost sales in pharma companies

    February 8, 2023 https://twib.online/storage/2023/02/pexels-pixabay-47327-800x300.jpg

    Pharmaceutical companies have a unique set of challenges when it comes to boosting sales. They have to deal with strict regulations, the need to educate medical professionals on their products, and the need to manage large teams of sales representatives. But with the rise of technology, these challenges can be overcome with the help of […]

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  • Essential guide to business plan for the growth of a small company

    January 25, 2023 https://twib.online/storage/2023/01/pexels-andrea-piacquadio-3758105-2-800x300.jpg

    A business plan can greatly affect the growth of a small company. A well-written business plan can serve as a roadmap for a company’s growth, outlining the company’s goals, strategies, and tactics for achieving them. It can also help a company secure funding from investors or lenders, as it demonstrates the company’s potential for success. […]

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  • What is after sales strategy and why is it crucial for business?

    January 10, 2023 https://twib.online/storage/2022/06/pexels-edmond-dantes-4344860-800x300.jpg

    After Sales Service Strategy is the strategy that is put in place for a small business to maintain the image of their business and to put a direction in place to make sure that the image is not affected by the services that they offer. They will make sure that their services are in line […]

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  • 5 ultimate Sales Plan for the growth of your business

    December 6, 2022 https://twib.online/storage/2022/12/pexels-kampus-production-8190804-800x300.jpg

    Business growth is like a long journey. It requires patience and carefully designed sales plan. One of the keys to achieving the desired level of growth is to have a well-thought-out plan. A business that does not have any planning for growth is like a ship that does not have a destination. You know where […]

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  • How to Improve Marketing Effectiveness?

    November 18, 2022 https://twib.online/storage/2022/11/pexels-dominika-roseclay-905163-3-800x300.jpg

    Entering a market that is full of competition is quite difficult for most start-ups. As some companies usually don’t have a strong marketing background, they can hardly measure the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns. Even with the best SEO services, it is possible to have poorer results by not knowing what to do on your website.

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  • 10 sales mistakes to avoid in door-to-door selling

    November 8, 2022 https://twib.online/storage/2022/07/pexels-alena-darmel-8134241-800x300.jpg

    Selling has always been a tough business. Door-to-door selling has been around for years. People have been using the technique of door-to-door selling to connect with their potential customers and make some sales. Door-to-door selling is another name for direct marketing or field marketing. It is an effective way to reach out to customers and […]

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  • 10 sales tricks every field sales person should know

    October 18, 2022 https://twib.online/storage/2022/10/pexels-andrea-piacquadio-3771089-800x300.jpg

    A lot of companies believe in selling their products through the field sales team. If you are a field salesperson, then you know the amount of work that you need to put in. If you are not a field salesperson, then you might not be able to appreciate the amount of work that salespeople have […]

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  • How to track your staff attendance, the best way to track your workforce

    September 21, 2022 https://twib.online/storage/2022/09/pexels-monstera-6281713-1-800x300.jpg

    If you are managing staff or workforce, it is very important to know who is on time and who is late, or who is absent, so that you know where your problems are, which staff needs attention, and how you can solve staff performance issues and staff absence problems. In addition to knowing who are […]

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