October 18, 2022 https://twib.online/storage/2022/10/pexels-andrea-piacquadio-3771089-800x300.jpg

10 sales tricks every field sales person should know

A lot of companies believe in selling their products through the field sales team. If you are a field salesperson, then you know the amount of work that you need to put in. If you are not a field salesperson, then you might not be able to appreciate the amount of work that salespeople have […]

Last updated on : October 4, 2023
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September 21, 2022 https://twib.online/storage/2022/09/pexels-monstera-6281713-1-800x300.jpg

How to track your staff attendance, the best way to track your workforce

If you are managing staff or workforce, it is very important to know who is on time and who is late, or who is absent, so that you know where your problems are, which staff needs attention, and how you can solve staff performance issues and staff absence problems. In addition to knowing who are […]

Last updated on : August 5, 2024
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September 8, 2022 https://twib.online/storage/2022/09/pexels-anna-shvets-3727509-800x300.jpg

All you need to know about customer retention

In today’s competitive business landscape, customer retention has become a crucial factor for sustainable growth and profitability. Retaining customers not only ensures a steady revenue stream but also contributes to building a loyal customer base that can drive long-term success. In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about customer retention, including […]

Last updated on : August 5, 2024
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August 11, 2022 https://twib.online/storage/2022/08/pexels-antoni-shkraba-5816293-800x300.jpg

Benefits of having sales CRM for small businesses

When it comes to running any business, it is important to have the right tools in place. These tools will help you to stay organized, manage products and contacts and so much more. A CRM can help you manage your leads, prospects, contacts, and customers. It also will help you to keep track of all […]

Last updated on : August 5, 2024
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July 20, 2022 https://twib.online/storage/2022/06/pexels-mart-production-7644144-800x300.jpg

Best practices for your sales team to meet sales targets every time

If you are an entrepreneur, you probably know that you need to be laser-focused on your sales targets. Without meeting your sales targets, you won’t have any profit. And without profit, you won’t keep your business afloat. Sales are all about the numbers, so it’s imperative that you do whatever it takes to get your […]

Last updated on : August 5, 2024
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July 9, 2022 https://twib.online/storage/2022/07/pexels-fauxels-3184360-800x300.jpg

Tips to keep your sales reps motivated and working hard

Sales professionals are the lifeblood of any organization. The sales reps generate the revenue that pays for the salaries of the rest of the employees. Despite their crucial role, sales teams often receive the least credit for their hard work. In every organization, salespeople are essential as they act as intermediaries between the service provider […]

Last updated on : August 5, 2024
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June 17, 2022 https://twib.online/storage/2022/06/pexels-christina-morillo-1181622-1-800x300.jpg

Guide to Building and Managing a Virtual Sales Team

A virtual sales team is a small sales team working remotely to sell a product or service. In this blog, we will look at the different aspects of building a virtual sales team and will also look at the best ways to manage them so that they are productive. Every great business owner looks for ways to grow their business.

Last updated on : August 5, 2024
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June 8, 2022 https://twib.online/storage/2022/06/pexels-edmond-dantes-4344860-800x300.jpg

How to Overcome B2B Lead Generation Challenges

Lead generation is one of the most important parts of the business. When you get a new client, they are not going to just hand over their money. You need to convince them that you are a good option for them. What better way to do that than to hand them some leads who want […]

Last updated on : August 5, 2024
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May 20, 2022 https://twib.online/storage/2021/04/pexels-sora-shimazaki-5668762-800x300.jpg

Best Practices of Sales Process That Matters

Sales is not a one-way process. It’s a sales process. A well-designed sales process has several stages. We’ll look at the different stages in the best sales processes and how they work to improve the performance of salespeople. If your sales team is struggling to find new clients, then it’s possible that your sales process […]

Last updated on : September 4, 2023
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