
Say No to Paper works and Cold Calling

For years, the mobile phone was a good option for employers to call their field force employees to know what they did and where they were during the day for better Sales Management. Employee management in the field has always been a tough challenge, especially for businesses where the marketing and sales team is always on the move. This was a good working model but had its own limitations like someone having to call the sales employees to take the information or an employee needing to call back to the concerned manager in the office to give their report, it is a time-consuming process and has the possibility of errors as well. Also, there was no system to track the exact movement of the employees during working hours. Thankfully now, employee tracking apps are available which helps to track and log the day activities of field employees on the go and all in real-time.

Our sales tracking app- TWIB is a GPS location-based app that runs on platforms supporting Android and is monitored by an admin from a browser-based web application. This web application can be accessed from anywhere. Twib has features like location tracking and activity data tracking, the web-based panel for admin will show you where your employees are, where they had been and what they have done such as which clients they have visited, whom they met at the client’s office, any sample product given, orders booked, feedback taken, payment collected and much more. The aim is to make businesses more efficient through smarter technology, which ensures authentic data collection and better customer service. And of-courses, This Sales Management App helps businesses keep tabs on employee productivity using a sales tracking app.

Managing employees in the field has always been a challenge, especially for small businesses. Mobile devices provide employers with ever-expanding options for tracking and inspecting the status of employees. Clients can integrate complex location data with their existing technology and must master the art of finessing employee mobile privacy.

When you come to “employee management” you’ll have to decide on how tight the electronic leash should be. There should be a fine line between control and benefits, that’s why Twib comes with a host of features which will help any field sales employee to be more productive.

Twib has got the features like:-

  • Complete visibility on the movement of employees with real-time location and activity
  • Receives attendance from the field via App
  • This app can be very helpful for running business efficiently by tracking your staff on the field timely and accurately
  • Able to take real-time photo to confirm their visits, special feature is photos cannot be browsed from albums
  • Simple to check in and check out for all activities
  • Can check in histories for reviewing performance later
  • Track expenses with admin approval
  • Sales Route Plan for Planned client visits
  • GPS tracking for daily k.m. travelled
  • Admin can Send new assignments as push notification
  • Dynamic task allocation
  • Clients Manage and maintain client visit history
  • Never miss a lead with lead reminders.
  • Order Module to receive orders in the field.
  • Collection Module to Collect Payments on the Go.
  • Auto Attendance Register created from App Activity.
  • Payroll from the Attendance records.

While good sales employees will welcome the app which will help them to improve their performance, help them to go paperless and no separate reporting has to be done for the day despite the fact that their location will also be tracked and stored on the database, staff with poor performance will surely not like it. Plan this before you take out the app for implementation, give them time to get used to the change but be particular about the time frame for better Sales Management.

Once the field sales employees start using the app they will get a lot of benefits rather than those old methods. They are as follows:-

  • Allows you to monitor your field staff’s location and activities in real-time, ensuring they are where they need to be and completing their tasks efficiently. This helps to improve productivity, reduce delays and missed appointments, and increase customer satisfaction.
  • Eliminates the need for manual attendance records, saving time and reducing errors.
  • Provides you with accurate and timely information about your field staff’s activities, allowing you to make informed decisions to improve the efficiency and profitability of your business.
  • Provides photographic evidence of your field staff’s visits, ensuring accountability and accuracy.
  • Saves time and reduces errors in recording employee activity.
  • Allows you to review your field staff’s performance over time, identifying areas for improvement and recognizing strong performers.
  • Allows you to keep track of expenses incurred by your field staff, ensuring accuracy and transparency in financial reporting.
  • Helps to optimize your field staff’s time and reduce travel expenses by providing a planned route for their client visits.
  • Allows you to track the distance travelled by your field staff, enabling you to optimize routes and reduce travel expenses.
  • Allows for real-time communication between managers and field staff, ensuring timely and efficient task allocation.
  • Ensures that tasks are assigned to the most appropriate employee, increasing efficiency and reducing errors.
  • Allows you to keep track of your interactions with clients, ensuring a high level of customer service and satisfaction.
  • Helps you to keep track of potential leads and follow up in a timely manner, increasing sales and revenue.
  • Allows your field staff to receive orders in real time, reducing delays and improving customer service.
  • Enables your field staff to collect payments on the spot, improving cash flow and reducing payment processing time.
  • Provides automatic attendance recording, reducing the need for manual recording and saving time.
  • Allows for accurate payroll processing based on recorded attendance, reducing errors and increasing efficiency.

Don’t let outdated employee management methods slow down your business! Try TWIB today and see the difference for yourself. With real-time location and activity tracking, attendance reporting, task allocation, and more, TWIB is the perfect solution for businesses looking to streamline their operations and maximize efficiency. Say goodbye to time-consuming phone calls and inaccurate reporting – make the switch to TWIB now and take control of your workforce like never before!

To learn more about employee tracking app or sales tracking app you can visit

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